Business Source Complete provides full text for thousands of journals, including both peer-reviewed, academic journals and trade business publications. Additional full text, non-journal content includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses. To find case studies, enter search terms (examples: "restaurant" or "advertising") in the usual boxes, then under "Document type," choose "Case Study."
Covers a wide variety of topics: computers, programming, hardware, system administration, security, general software, business case studies, accounting, careers, presentations, science, medicine, psychology, math, statistics & data science, travel & hobbies.
Formats include learning paths, case studies, interactive tutorials, audio books, videos, etc.
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A collection of 90 case studies (85 mini, 5 major) created as part of a joint project on ethics issues in business.
All participating universities, including Carnegie Mellon, have license to use these materials and reproduce them as needed for instructional purposes. [UMSL is listed as a participating university.]
Choose "Section" and limit your results to "Business."
The Library supplies subscriptions to the New York Times for all students, faculty and staff. To sign up, go to
Cases integrate the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Principles. There are cases available in three formats: one-part documents, two-part documents, and online video e-cases.
The teaching business case studies available on LearningEdge, which fall under the headings of entrepreneurship, leadership/ethics, operations management, strategy, sustainability, and system dynamics, are narratives that facilitate class discussion about a particular business or management issue. Teaching cases are meant to spur debate among students rather than promote a particular point of view or steer students in a specific direction.
Case studies covering a variety of fields, including Business. They also provide an assortment of other ethics resources (videos, links, podcasts, etc.).
A selection of free cases. oikos, "an international, student-led non-profit organization for sustainability in economics and management" also sponsors an annual Case Writing Competition.
re:Work is an effort by Google and others to help share and push forward the practice and research of data-driven HR. Select "Case Studies" from the menu.