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Hispanic Studies and Spanish Language

An introduction to Hispanic Studies resources at UMSL Libraries, including Spanish language learning materials.

Finding Articles. White text on red background


The library's main search tool for books, articles, and more. This tool is an excellent place to begin your research because it searches across UMSL's materials AND multiple online databases at the same time*Note: For non-English materials, it is helpful to use search terms in your target language (e.g., historia vs. history).


Option 1: Keyword SearchText: Guide to Discover@UMSL. Next to yellow mouse icon and above red and yellow search bar.

  1. Type in your search terms
  2. Click "Search"
  3. Under "Limit By Source Type" (on the left side of the screen), select Academic Journals.
  4. For Spanish language materials: select Spanish; Castilian under "Languages"

Option 2: Title or Author Search

  1. Type the title or author's name into the search bar
  2. Select either "Title" or "Author" from the drop-down menu to the right of the search bar
  3. Click "Search"
  4. Under "Limit By Source Type" (on the left side of the screen), select Academic Journals.
  5. For Spanish language materials: select Spanish; Castilian under "Languages"

Option 3Advanced Search

  1. Select the Advanced Search option (underneath the Search Bar)
  2. Use the search bar(s) to type in your terms
  3. In the Select a Field drop-down menus, select what type of search you would like to run.
    • Useful options for article searches include Title, Author, AbstractSubject Terms, or Journal Title
  4. For Spanish language materials: select Spanish; Castilian under "Language"
  5. Adjust other limiters if needed
  6. Click "Search"


You have access to scholarly research and other resources provided through online databases that UMSL subscribes to every year. These databases allow you to search resources in your subject area in a more advanced, targeted way.

We subscribe to multiple databases that offer resources related to language, literature, culture, etc., including Spanish / Hispanic studies.

We've offered some recommendations below! You can also visit our complete list of databases. Contact the library for assistance with accessing or navigating any of UMSL's databases.
