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Web Search for the Publisher
Is the publisher within the top 5 entries on the first page of search results? Are there any scam alert postings?
- Is the publisher a 501(c)(3) organization?
- Does the publisher organize or exhibit at conferences?
- Is the publisher a scholarly organization?
- Is the publisher a member of any publishing organizations, such as:
- COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
- OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association)?
Publisher Information
Can you easily identify information about the publisher?
- Mission
- Contact information (try calling the phone number)
- Search the organization or company using one of the UMSL databases recommended in our Business guides (particularly the Company & Industry Information guide)
- Does the publisher’s street address map to a residence, mailbox store, or strip mall?
- Does the publisher have enough resources to provide long-term support for the journal?
- Look for the publisher’s financial information.
- Does the publisher provide information on how content will be preserved if the publication ceases?
- Does the journal participate in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) or CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS)?
- Check the lists of participating journals and publishers.