A Term and scope notes
B Search builder options
C PubMed Search Builder
D Entry terms, previous indexing, and similar terms
E Position in the MeSH hierarchy
F Recent activity
G Current MeSH database search
Using the Search Builder isn’t really difficult, but using it effectively can be a bit of a challenge. Here are the basics:
Below is an example of a two-part search built around infection risk after ankle fractures.
H I first ran a search for ankle fracture in the MeSH database.
I I chose the subheading complications and restricted my search to articles in which this is a major topic. (Because Ankle Fractures is the most specific term in its hierarchy, I didn't select the second restriction as it would have had no effect.)
J I then clicked the Add to search builder button. Since we’re only working with one term at the moment, the operator (AND or OR) is irrelevant.
K I reviewed the search builder for accuracy.
L With the ankle fracture concept still in the search builder, I next ran a search for infections and selected the MeSH term Infections from the list of 327 results.
M I chose not to select any subheadings or restrictions. Often, when you’re building a search in the MeSH database, you’ll want to stay as broad as you can or you’ll risk coming up with zero results. Remember, simply using MeSH terms already narrows your search.
N I verified that I wanted to connect the two terms with the operator AND, and then I clicked the Add to search builder button again.
O I reviewed the search builder for accuracy.
P I clicked the Search PubMed button to view my results.
You can see each of my actions reflected in the final search details: (“Ankle Fractures/complications”[Majr]) AND “Infections”[Mesh]. At the time I performed this search, I got 13 highly relevant results.
Most concepts cannot be adequately described with a single MeSH term, so an effective search will require some advanced techniques. Here are a few examples of common search strategies. The terms in bold italics are ones you will search for in the MeSH Database. A forward slash (/) indicates that a subhead follows. NOTES It doesn't matter in what order concepts are ANDed together. And remember to use subheadings and search restrictions sparingly!
To find articles that discuss the use of a particular medication to treat a particular disease
Disease/drug therapy AND Drug/therapeutic use
EXAMPLE Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting/drug therapy AND Alemtuzumab/therapeutic use
To find articles that examine the use of a particular type of therapy in the rehabilitation of a particular condition
Condition/rehabilitation AND Type of Rehabilitation
EXAMPLE Hand injuries/rehabilitation AND Exercise Therapy
To find articles about a nurse’s role in treating a particular condition
Type of Nurse AND Condition/nursing
EXAMPLE Orthopedic Nursing AND Hip Fractures/nursing