Interlibrary Loan (ILL) borrows materials from and lends materials to other libraries in the United States and other countries. Materials that are not available through MOBIUS may be requested through ILL. All current UMSL faculty, staff, and students are welcome to use ILL services.
- Articles
- Books
- Book chapters
Questions? Call us at (314) 516-5082.
Click here to Log-in / Request Materials Via ILL
- We try to fill requests as quickly as possible. Lending libraries have varying response times.
- If you opt out of communication, you will NOT receive notices when your items are available.
- Rush? Use "ASAP" in the Notes field. Avoid the "Need By" date (request deleted after that date).
- Delivery times vary. Estimated turnaround times:
- Articles & Book chapters: 3-5 days
- Books: 7-14 days. Allow for shipping time. Use MERLIN and MOBIUS where possible.