UMSL Libraries holds English-language materials about Japanese literature as well some limited materials in Japanese. You will find additional literary criticism, etc. and Japanese texts available at the databases and websites linked on this page. We welcome purchase suggestions from UMSL Japanese faculty and students.
JSTOR contains articles and books, usually at least 3-5 years old, from scholarly sources. They also have some primary resource collections. For more recent material, use Discover@UMSL or other individual databases.
Journal Collections
Arts & Sciences I – XV
Life Sciences
Business IV
Hebrew Journals
Public Health
Lives of Literature
Reports & Research
Security Studies
Primary Sources
19th Century British Pamphlets (Bristol Selected Pamphlets, Cowen Tracts, Earl Grey Pamphlets Collection, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection, Hume Tracts, Knowsley Pamphlet Collection, LSE Selected Pamphlets, Manchester Selected Pamphlets, Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection)
World Heritage Sites: Africa (Reference)
Struggle for Freedom: Southern Africa (Reference)
Global Plants (Reference)