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Abbas, A. E., & Hupman, A. C. (2023). Scale dependence in weight and rate multicriteria decision methods. European Journal of Operational Research, 309(1), 225–235.

Adeniji, T. M., & Stine, K. J. (2023). Nanostructure Modified Electrodes for Electrochemical Detection of Contaminants of Emerging Concern. Coatings, 13(2), 381.

Akenroye, T. O., Oyedijo, A., Rajan, V. C., Zsidisin, G. A., Mkansi, M., & Baz, J. E. (2023). Connecting the dots: Uncovering the relationships between challenges confronting Africa’s organ transplant supply chain systems. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 28(7), 43–61.

Alfasly, S., Lu, J., Xu, C., Al-Huda, Z., Jiang, Q., Lu, Z., & Chui, C. K. (2023). FastPicker: Adaptive independent two-stage video-to-video summarization for efficient action recognition. Neurocomputing, 516, 231–244.

Aronczyk, M., Clevenger-Lee, Y., Gangadharbatla, H., Li, X., Zwarun, L., & Timke, E. (2022). Roundtable on Sustainability and Advertising. Advertising & Society Quarterly, 23(4).

Austin, M. W., & Dunlap, A. S. (2023). Resource Availability Affects Seasonal Trajectories of Population-Level Learning. The American Naturalist, 201(1), 16–37.

Banks, D. E., Duello, A., Paschke, M. E., Grigsby, S. R., & Winograd, R. P. (2023). Identifying drivers of increasing opioid overdose deaths among black individuals: A qualitative model drawing on experience of peers and community health workers. Harm Reduction Journal, 20(1), 5.

Beaudoin, F. L., An, X., Basu, A., Ji, Y., Liu, M., Kessler, R. C., Doughtery, R. F., Zeng, D., Bollen, K. A., House, S. L., Stevens, J. S., Neylan, T. C., Clifford, G. D., Jovanovic, T., Linnstaedt, S. D., Germine, L. T., Rauch, S. L., Haran, J. P., Storrow, A. B., … McLean, S. A. (2023). Use of serial smartphone-based assessments to characterize diverse neuropsychiatric symptom trajectories in a large trauma survivor cohort. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), 4.

Bertram, J. E., Kryah, R., Vandermause, R., Ean, N., Paul, R., Carrico, A., Sophal, C., Bruce, S., Gregory, K., Stein, E., & Mannarino, J. (2023). “No matter what, we just work with the trauma…”: Mental Health Therapists’ Care of Diverse Sexual and Gender Identity Citizens in Cambodia [Preprint]. In Review.

Bezawada, S. A., Ušto, N., Wilke, C., Barnes-Flaspoler, M., Jagan, R., & Bauer, E. B. (2023). Ferrocenophanium Stability and Catalysis. Molecules, 28(6), 2729.

Boessen, A., Omori, M., & Greene, C. (2023). Long-Term Dynamics of Neighborhoods and Crime: The Role of Education Over 40 Years. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 39(1), 187–249.

Brown, H., Edara, P., Sun, C., Zeng, Q., Baek, H. J., Kim, S., & Bracy, J. B. (2023). Development of Policy Guidance for Temporary Rumble Strips. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 036119812311671.

Bulmash, A. S., Fischer, A. D., Russo, J., Mueller, S. M., & Olivas, W. M. (2023). Yeast Puf3p‐mediated mRNA decay is regulated by carbon source‐specific differential interaction of Puf3p with Pop2p and Yak1p. FEBS Letters, 597(12), 1606–1622.

DeCino, D. A., Waalkes, P. L., & Iverson, V. (2023). Rural School Counselors’ Experiences with Dual Relationships. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling, 1–15.

Dell, N., Koegler, E., Holzer, K. J., Vaughn, M. G., Bitter, C., & Price, R. K. (2023). ICD-10-CM codes infrequently used to document human trafficking in 2019 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 64, 37–42.

Dexheimer, A. F., Outomuro, D., Dunlap, A. S., & Morehouse, N. I. (2023). Spectral sensitivities of the orchid bee Euglossa dilemma. Journal of Insect Physiology, 144, 104464.

Diemer, M. C., Paul, R. A., & Gerstein, E. D. (2023). Health disparities associated with access to disability evaluations for toddlers in Early Head Start. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 67(2), 136–147.

Edwin, M., & Bahr, M. W. (2023). Multi-Tiered System of Supports—Interventionist Beliefs Scale: Development and Initial Validation With School Counselors. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 07342829231184293.

Edwin, M., & Fisher, J. (2023). School Counselors’ Experience and Self-Efficacy in Providing Career Counseling to High-Ability Visual Artists. Professional School Counseling, 27(1), 2156759X2311654.

Ellegood, W. A., Bernard Bracy, J. M., & Sweeney, D. C. (2023). The Advanced Placement Program in Texas—Local Access Offered by Public School Districts is Decreasing While the Breadth of Differentiated Courses Offered is Increasing. Journal of Advanced Academics, 34(1), 7–31.

Enayati, S., Campbell, J. F., & Li, H. (2023). Vaccine distribution with drones for less developed countries: A case study in Vanuatu. Vaccine: X, 14, 100312.

Enayati, S., Li, H., Campbell, J. F., & Pan, D. (2023). Multimodal Vaccine Distribution Network Design with Drones. Transportation Science, 57(4), 1069–1095.

Enz, M. G., & Lambert, D. M. (2023). A supply chain management framework for services. Journal of Business Logistics, 44(1), 11–36.

Falcone, M. L., Tokac, U., Fish, A. F., Van Stee, S. K., & Werner, K. B. (2023). Factor Structure and Construct Validity of a Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture Using Exploratory Factor Analysis. Journal of Patient Safety, Publish Ahead of Print.

Fan, R., Zhao, F., Gong, Z., Chen, Y., Yang, B., Zhou, C., Zhang, J., Du, Z., Wang, X., Yin, P., Guo, L., & Liu, Z. (2023). Insights into the mechanism of phospholipid hydrolysis by plant non-specific phospholipase C. Nature Communications, 14(1), 194.

Fan, Z., Jump, J., Tse, Y., & Yu, L. (2023). Volatility in US dairy futures markets. Journal of Commodity Markets, 29, 100309.

Fentem, A., Riordan, R., Doroshenko, C., Li, X., Kasson, E., Banks, D., Winograd, R. P., & Cavazos-Rehg, P. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout and perceived workplace quality among addiction treatment providers. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 18(1), 5.

Gamba, D., & Muchhala, N. (2023). Pollinator type strongly impacts gene flow within and among plant populations for six Neotropical species. Ecology, 104(1).

Goodman, P., & Quinn, K. (2023). The palimpsest of outdoor penal labour in California, 1915–2000. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 62(1), 119–141.

Graziano, R. C., Brown, W. J., Strasshofer, D. R., Yetter, M. A., Berfield, J. B., Haven, S. E., & Bruce, S. E. (2023). Posttraumatic stress symptoms, posttraumatic growth, and personality factors: A network analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 338, 207–219.

Guo, B., & Huang, J. (2023). Financial Well-Being and Financial Capability among Low-Income Entrepreneurs. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(3), 181.

Harb, C. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2023). The utility of community-based participatory research: Increasing research engagement among minoritized ethnoracial groups. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.

Harnett, N. G., Fani, N., Carter, S., Sanchez, L. D., Rowland, G. E., Davie, W. M., Guzman, C., Lebois, L. A. M., Ely, T. D., Van Rooij, S. J. H., Seligowski, A. V., Winters, S., Grasser, L. R., Musey, P. I., Seamon, M. J., House, S. L., Beaudoin, F. L., An, X., Zeng, D., … Ressler, K. J. (2023). Structural inequities contribute to racial/ethnic differences in neurophysiological tone, but not threat reactivity, after trauma exposure. Molecular Psychiatry.

Haugen, J. S., Waalkes, P. L., Burgess, M., & Swindle, P. J. (2023). “It’s like losing a family member”: School counselors’ experience with student suicide. Journal of Counseling & Development, jcad.12483.

Helle, A. C., Freeman, L. K., Pellegrini, A. M., Wycoff, A. M., Winograd, R., & Trull, T. J. (2023). Implementing an EMA burst design in community-engaged research: Participant and researcher perspectives and recommendations. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 49(1), 53–62.

High, V. M., Challa, S. A., Scharer, J. L., & Taylor, M. J. (2023). The mediating effects of alcohol use and parental monitoring on dating violence victimization among multiracial and monoracial youth. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 32(2), 91–101.

Hinojosa, C. A., Liew, A., An, X., Stevens, J. S., Basu, A., Van Rooij, S. J. H., House, S. L., Beaudoin, F. L., Zeng, D., Neylan, T. C., Clifford, G. D., Jovanovic, T., Linnstaedt, S. D., Germine, L. T., Rauch, S. L., Haran, J. P., Storrow, A. B., Lewandowski, C., Musey, P. I., … Fani, N. (2023). Associations of alcohol and cannabis use with change in posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms over time in recently trauma-exposed individuals. Psychological Medicine, 1–12.

Holguín-Veras, J., Encarnación, T., Pérez-Guzmán, S., Cantillo, V., & Calderón, O. (2023). The role and potential of trusted change agents and freight demand management in mitigating “Panic Buying” shortages. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 19, 100792.

Hupman, A. C., & Simon, J. (2023). The Legacy of Peter Fishburn: Foundational Work and Lasting Impact. Decision Analysis, 20(1), 1–15.

Kainer, D., Templeton, A. R., Prates, E. T., Jacboson, D., Allan, E. R. O., Climer, S., & Garvin, M. R. (2023). Structural variants identified using non-Mendelian inheritance patterns advance the mechanistic understanding of autism spectrum disorder. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances, 4(1), 100150.

Kerkhoff, S., Carpenter, J., Yang, Q., & Dong, Y. (2022). Part of Something Bigger: Critical, Digital, and Global Literacies in the Global Read Aloud. Literacy Research and Instruction, 1–25.

Kerkhoff, S. N., Kline, K., Lannin, A. A., O’Daniels, K., Sheerman, J. M., Singer, N. R., Brosch, T. L., Hammond, D., & Obubo, L. (2023). Teacher-Centered Literacy Action Plans: School Improvement that Starts with Teachers The Show Me Literacies Collaborative. English Leadership Quarterly, 45(3), 19–23.

Khan, Y., Gibb, E. L., Roth, N. X., DiSanti, M. A., Dello Russo, N., Bonev, B. P., Ejeta, C. T., Saki, M., Vervack, R. J., McKay, A. J., Kawakita, H., Combi, M. R., Qasim, D., & Shou, Y. (2023). Comprehensive Study of the Chemical Composition and Spatial Outgassing Behavior of Hyperactive Comet 46P/Wirtanen Using Near-IR Spectroscopy during its Historic 2018 Apparition. The Astronomical Journal, 165(6), 231.

Kim, S. R., Ratanashevorn, G., & Mizutani, Y. (2023). Advocacy for mental health of Asian international college students. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 10(1), 52–62.

Li, J., Su, Y., Shapiro, C. A., Schachtman, D. P., & Wang, X. (2023). Phosphate deficiency modifies lipid composition and seed oil production in camelina. Plant Science, 330, 111636.

Likitlersuang, J., Salat, D. H., Fortier, C. B., Iverson, K. M., Werner, K. B., Galovski, T., & McGlinchey, R. E. (2023). Intimate partner violence and brain imaging in women: A neuroimaging literature review. Brain Injury, 37(2), 101–113.

Mannarino, J. A., Carrico, A. W., Ean, N., Bruce, S., Vandermause, R., Kryah, R., Stein, E., Bertram, J., Shom, V., & Paul, R. H. (2023). Protocol for a randomized controlled trial in Cambodian individuals with PTSD: Trauma-Informed Treatment Algorithms for Advancing Novel Outcomes (Project TITAN). Contemporary Clinical Trials, 131, 107257.

Martin, R. A., Alexander-Scott, N., Berk, J., Carpenter, R. W., Kang, A., Hoadley, A., Kaplowitz, E., Hurley, L., Rich, J. D., & Clarke, J. G. (2023). Post-incarceration outcomes of a comprehensive statewide correctional MOUD program: A retrospective cohort study. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, 18, 100419.

Meriac, J. P., Rasmussen, K. E., & Pang, J. (2023). Work ethic and grit: Explaining responses to dissatisfaction at work. Personality and Individual Differences, 203, 112037.

Merritt, S. M., & Lynch, E. E. (2023). Weight and gender bias in observer perceptions of organizational leadership: Effects of perceived leader prototypicality and unit performance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53(3), 242–256.

Miller, K. W. (2023a). Computer-Enhanced Communication Among Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing People. Computer, 56(7), 101–105.

Miller, K. W. (2023b). Facial Recognition Technology: Navigating the Ethical Challenges. Computer, 56(1), 76–81.

Napitupulu, A., Easterling, J., Hamm, L., Kerkhoff, S. N., Hammond, D., Brosch, T., Singer, N. R., & O’Daniels, K. A. (2023). Centering Teacher Expertise, Needs, and Wellbeing in In-Service Teacher Education: A Post/COVID-19 Study. Education Sciences, 13(7), 753.

Nepal, B., Bhattarai, J. K., Dhami, K. B., Nichols, M. R., & Stine, K. J. (2023). Effect of mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with α-tomatine on HepG2 cancer cells studied in vitro. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 79, 104033.

Pellegrino, R., Gaudenzi, B., & Zsidisin, G. A. (2023). Mitigating foreign exchange risk exposure with supply chain flexibility: A real option analysis. Journal of Business Logistics, jbl.12338.

Peng, W., Lin, X., & Li, H. (2023). Critical chain based Proactive-Reactive scheduling for Resource-Constrained project scheduling under uncertainty. Expert Systems with Applications, 214, 119188.

Quinn, K. (2023). Dispositions that matter: Investigating criminalized women’s resettlement through their (trans)carceral habitus. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 23(1), 20–38.

Reid, J. W., Polizzi, S. J., Zhu, Y., Jiang, S., Ofem, B., Salisbury, S., Beeth, M., Mohr-Schroeder, M., Sheppard, K., Roehrig, G., & Rushton, G. T. (2023). Perceived network bridging influences the career commitment decisions of early career teachers. International Journal of STEM Education, 10(1), 17.

Rohrer, S. D., Jiménez-Uzcátegui, G., Parker, P. G., & Chubiz, L. M. (2023). Composition and function of the Galapagos penguin gut microbiome vary with age, location, and a putative bacterial pathogen. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 5358.

Rohrer, S. D., Robertson, B. Q., Chubiz, L. M., & Parker, P. G. (2023). Gut microbiome composition associated with Plasmodium infection in the Eurasian tree sparrow. Journal of Avian Biology, 2023(1–2).

Rowland, G. E., Roeckner, A., Ely, T. D., Lebois, L. A. M., Van Rooij, S. J. H., Bruce, S. E., Jovanovic, T., House, S. L., Beaudoin, F. L., An, X., Neylan, T. C., Clifford, G. D., Linnstaedt, S. D., Germine, L. T., Rauch, S. L., Haran, J. P., Storrow, A. B., Lewandowski, C., Musey, P. I., … Harnett, N. G. (2023). Prior Sexual Trauma Exposure Impacts Posttraumatic Dysfunction and Neural Circuitry Following a Recent Traumatic Event in the AURORA Study. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, S2667174323000125.

Sondhi, P., Lingden, D., Bhattarai, J. K., Demchenko, A. V., & Stine, K. J. (2022). Applications of Nanoporous Gold in Therapy, Drug Delivery, and Diagnostics. Metals, 13(1), 78.

Sondhi, P., Neupane, D., Bhattarai, J. K., Ali, H., Demchenko, A. V., & Stine, K. J. (2023). Versatile Technique to Produce a Hierarchical Design in Nanoporous Gold. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 192, 65065.

Straus, L. D., An, X., Ji, Y., McLean, S. A., Neylan, T. C., AURORA Study Group, Cakmak, A. S., Richards, A., Clifford, G. D., Liu, M., Zeng, D., House, S. L., Beaudoin, F. L., Stevens, J. S., Linnstaedt, S. D., Germine, L. T., Bollen, K. A., Rauch, S. L., Haran, J. P., … Koenen, K. C. (2023). Utility of Wrist-Wearable Data for Assessing Pain, Sleep, and Anxiety Outcomes After Traumatic Stress Exposure. JAMA Psychiatry, 80(3), 220.

Szlyk, H. S., Li, X., Filiatreau, L. M., Bierut, L. J., Banks, D., & Cavazos-Rehg, P. (2023). Principal component regression analysis of familial psychiatric histories and suicide risk factors among adults with opioid use disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 159, 6–13.

Tiniç, G. O., Karasan, O. E., Kara, B. Y., Campbell, J. F., & Ozel, A. (2023). Exact solution approaches for the minimum total cost traveling salesman problem with multiple drones. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 168, 81–123.

Universidad de Navarra, Dabdoub, J. P., Salaverría, A. R., Universidad de Navarra, Berkowitz, M., & Universidad de Missouri-St. Louis. (2023). Identificación de prácticas para promover el desarrollo del carácter en contextos residenciales universitarios: El caso de los Colegios Mayores. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81(284).

Upton, C. C., Diambra, J. F., Brott, P. E., & Budesa, Z. (2023). Photography as a Wellness Tool for Counselors-in-Training. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 13(1).

Waalkes, P. L., DeCino, D. A., LeBlanc, J., Phelps‐Pineda, M. M., Somerville, T., & Flynn, S. V. (2023). Generic qualitative dissertations in counselor education: A content analysis. Counselor Education and Supervision, 62(1), 52–63.

Waalkes, P. L., Smith, P. H., & Hall, D. (2023). The Intentional Andragogy Model: A Teaching Framework for Counselor Educators. Teaching and Supervision in Counseling., 5.

Waalkes, P. L., Stickl Haugen, J., Mizutani, Y., Meyer, J. J., Salvatierra, D., Odle, C., & Somerville, T. (2023). American first-generation college students’ narratives of positive relationships with their school counsellors. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 1–12.

Walker, H. E., Thomsen, K. N., Jamison, L. E., Wamser-Nanney, R., & Howell, K. H. (2023). The Role of Dimensions of Emotion Dysregulation Following Exposure to Maltreatment and Adult Victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(7–8), 5661–5681.

Wamser‐Nanney, R., & Walker, H. E. (2023). Attrition from pediatric trauma‐focused cognitive behavioral therapy: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 36(1), 17–30.

Wong, S. A., Lebois, L. A. M., Ely, T. D., Van Rooij, S. J. H., Bruce, S. E., Murty, V. P., Jovanovic, T., House, S. L., Beaudoin, F. L., An, X., Zeng, D., Neylan, T. C., Clifford, G. D., Linnstaedt, S. D., Germine, L. T., Bollen, K. A., Rauch, S. L., Haran, J. P., Storrow, A. B., … Harnett, N. G. (2023). Internal capsule microstructure mediates the relationship between childhood maltreatment and PTSD following adulthood trauma exposure. Molecular Psychiatry.

Yetter, M., Philippi, C. L., & Bruce, S. E. (2023). Altered functional connectivity between cortical networks associated with inhibitory control in trauma-exposed females. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 333, 111671.

Zhou, L., Porterfield, S. L., Fang, S., Huang, J., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Unintentional injuries among children with developmental disabilities are a public health challenge in China. Child: Care, Health and Development, cch.13115.

Ziobrowski, H. N., Holt-Gosselin, B., Petukhova, M. V., King, A. J., Lee, S., House, S. L., Beaudoin, F. L., An, X., Stevens, J. S., Zeng, D., Neylan, T. C., Clifford, G. D., Linnstaedt, S. D., Germine, L. T., Bollen, K. A., Rauch, S. L., Haran, J. P., Storrow, A. B., Lewandowski, C., … Kessler, R. C. (2023). Childhood adversities and risk of posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression following a motor vehicle collision in adulthood. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 32, e1.