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Faculty Expertise, Profiles & Metrics

Showcasing UMSL Faculty works online

Researcher Profiles is a site for promoting and sharing faculty research. It is an online research profile to make your research more available. These profiles are a service of the UMSL Library and the technology is related to scopus, so be sure to check your scopus profile! If you do not find your profile at please contact or call Lena at extension 5084.

Profile Example - Helena Marvin Institutional Repository and Reference Librarian


ORCIDORCID Author Profile

What is ORCID?  icon links to ORCID video
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers.

Why should I have an ORCID ID?
ORCID allows you to easily and uniquely attach your identity to all kinds of scholarly work:  datasets, articles, books and book chapters, media stories, theses, protocols, patents, etc. ORCID helps researchers distinguish your work from other scholars with similar names.

ORCID IDs are now being used by many journal publishers and databases such as Nature Publishing Group, IEEE, PLoS, Scopus and Web of Science.

How do I use my ORCID ID?
Include your ORCID identifier on your Webpage, when you submit publications, apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work.

How do I get an ORCID ID?
Register for a free ORCID ID
ORCID registration quick start guide
Once you register, you can enhance your ORCID record with your professional information and link to your other identifiers such as Scopus and Web of Science.

ORCID registrants who use their unique ORCID identifier (iD) when submitting a manuscript or dataset can now opt to have their ORCID record automatically updated when their work is made public. Auto update details

How do I find ORCID IDs?
ORCID ID's are designed to be open and accessible to all.
Go to the ORCID registry to look up your own ORCID ID or to look for ORCID IDs of other researchers.  Click on an ORCID ID to see a researcher's list of publications.



What is the Web of Science ResearcherID? 
ResearcherID is an identifying system for scientific authors. The system was introduced in January 2008 by Thomson Reuters.

In April 2019, ResearcherID was integrated with Publons, a Clarivate Analytics owned platform, where researchers can track their publications, peer reviewing activity, and journal editing work. With ResearcherID now hosted on Publons researchers can keep a more comprehensive view of their research output and contributions in one place. This is particularly important for researchers in fields that predominantly use peer-reviewed conference articles (computer science) or in fields that focus on publishing books and chapters in books (humanities and disciplines in the social sciences).

Publons is a profile tool for tracking your publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work in a single profile.

  • All your publications, instantly imported from Web of Science , ORCID, or your bibliographic reference manager (e.g. EndNote or Mendeley)
  • Trusted citation metrics, automatically imported from the Web of Science Core Collection
  • Your verified peer review and journal editing history, powered by partnerships with thousands of scholarly journals
  • Downloadable record summarising your scholarly impact as an author, editor and peer reviewer.\

Screenshot of Publons profile.

Google Scholar Citations

Your profile is created from data found in Google Scholar after you register.

  • Your profile is created from social networking analytics generated on after you register.
  • is a commercial site despite the .edu in it's address.
  • Users can upload or download papers from other profile pages. If papers are not uploaded, one can request to have the paper sent by the author/contributor. Caution: Check your copyright agreement with the publisher before uploading articles.
  • Tracks how many times the paper has been downloaded.
  • Used by humanities scholars.
  • Metrics Mania the case against (Chronicle of Higher Education, January 18, 2018)


Humanities Commons  

  • Nonprofit network where humanities scholars can create a professional profile, discuss common interests, develop new publications, and share their work
  • Project of the office of scholarly communication at the Modern Language Association
  • Includes an open-access repository, the Commons Open Repository Exchange

Mendeley Profile

  • Personal profile on Mendeley, a bibliographic management tool.
  • Future plans include linking usage information from Mendeley to these researcher profiles.


Read the whole SciENcv for Creating a Biosketch guide at 

Amazon author page example Author Pages