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UMSL Faculty Publishing Toolkit

Information about scholarly publishing for researchers at the University of Missouri-St. Louis

Article-Level Metrics 

Article-level metrics measure the reach and impact of scholarly research at the article level through both traditional means of citation counts, as well as newer methods such as alternative metrics or "altmetrics."  Since scholarly research is becoming increasingly disseminated due to the web, article-level metrics are more relevant to a digital environment. 

Citation counts, which are assessed by counting the number of times a work has been cited by another work, can be found in a number of different resources, but those counts will likely vary due to indexing differences.  

Where can I find citation counts?

Altmetrics, which are meant to complement traditional citation metrics, not replace them, measure the real-time reach and influence of scholarly research based on their online interactions.  For example, page views, downloads, shares, likes or mentions whether from social media outlets like Facebook or Twitter, major media sources, blogs, or research networking sites. 

Where can I find altmetrics?

To see if an article includes PlumX Metrics in the UMSL Institutional Repository, do the following:

  1. Go to UMSL Institutional Repository Library
  2. Search for the title of an article
  3. Look below the Download to the Downloads Since box and you should see a PLUMX METRICS icon.
  4. Click on the purple icon to see more