The UMSLCAB Open Dataset Project aims to share our collection of financial reports from the Greater St. Louis area during the millennium era. These materials were discovered in three filing cabinets on the fifth floor and entrusted to IRL for digitization. The project's primary objective is to digitize these materials and make them accessible online as an Open Dataset, highlighting their significance as a valuable resource from the UMSL Political Science department. The favorable condition of the materials and lack of copyright hurdles allow for the initial focus of the project to be on establishing workflows for digitization and sharing. UMSLCAB stands for - UMSL’s political science Millennial era Saint Louis Local Curated Area Budgets.
This libguide serves as documentation of the procedures involved in organizing and digitizing this collection in preparation for making it accessible online.
The collection resides in three filing CABinets, named 1, 2, and 3 from left to right. The drawers of each CABinet are named A, B, C, and D from top to bottom.
On the front of each drawer is a sticky note that allows for tracking the progress of each drawer. Processing the collection is made up of two basic steps, entering metadata into a spreadsheet and digitizing the documents.
The sticky note grid tracks the state of the collection. If there are no check marks no part of that drawer has been worked on.
A checkmark in spreadsheet in progress, means that the spreadsheet has some but not all of the information about the works on it.
If there is a second checkmark, under complete, on the spreadsheet line that means all the information about the works in the drawer, the title and other metadata, have been added.
A checkmark in scanning in progress, means that some of the works in the drawer have been scanned.
If there is a second checkmark, under complete, on the scanning line that means all of the works in the drawer have been scanned.