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Mathematics & Computer Science

Guide to resources for the Mathematics and Computer Science Programs


  • Academic Search Complete
    Academic Search Complete is a scholarly, multidisciplinary full-text database, with several thousand full-text periodicals, most of which are peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for many more journals, monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
  • ACM Digital Library Best Bet
    ACM Digital Library is the full text collection of publications by the Association for Computing Machinery, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters, books, and over 50 years of archives.
  • American Mathematical Society (AMS) Full Text Journals Best Bet
    Full-text of journals published by the American Mathematical Society which includes: Bulletin of the AMS, Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, Electronic Research Announcements, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Mathematics of Computation, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Representation Theory, Transactions of the AMS and Notices of the AMS.
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science – Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s)
    The Archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and connected collections from UK universities, covers astronomy, biology, technology, industrial design, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, agriculture, meteorology, physics, history of science and STEM, and government grants for scientific research. It contains administrative records, correspondence, illustrations, manuscripts, photographs, prototypes, clippings, personal papers, grey literature - all presented as fully searchable digital images that can be analyzed, downloaded, manipulated, and compared with content from other societies and universities in the Wiley Digital Archives programme.
  • IGI Global Ebooks and Research Anthologies
    Access to over 6,000 DRM free books from IGI Global.

    JSTOR contains articles and books, usually at least 3-5 years old, from scholarly sources. They also have some primary resource collections. For more recent material, use Discover@UMSL or other individual databases.

  • MathSciNet Best Bet
    MathSciNet® is an electronic publication of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature including Mathematical Reviews, and Current Mathematical Publications.
  • NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) provides access to aerospace-related citations, full-text online documents, images, and videos. The types of information included are: conference papers, journal articles, meeting papers, patents, research reports, images, movies, and technical videos – scientific and technical information (STI) created or funded by NASA.
  • O'Reilly for Higher Education Best Bet
    Covers a wide variety of topics: computers, programming, hardware, system administration, security, general software, business case studies, accounting, careers, presentations, science, medicine, psychology, math, statistics & data science, travel & hobbies.
    Formats include learning paths, case studies, interactive tutorials, audio books, videos, etc.
  • Salem Press
    Salem Press includes references, books, and primary sources in the areas of Literature, History, Science, Health, Education, Business, Economics, Counseling/Social Work, and more. You can search all of UMSL's titles at once, search only selected titles using the Advanced Search, or browse the Subject Index.
  • Science Magazine
    Access full text articles of Science Magazine (1997 - present) published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • Scopus
    Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. It is useful for analyzing publication topics, finding researchers, and obtaining counts of cited materials.
  • SSRN
    SSRN is an open-access online preprint community providing valuable services to leading academic schools and government institutions. Specializing primarily in social sciences, including economics, law, corporate governance, and humanities, SSRN is branching out into other science disciplines. Most, but not all papers are free.
  • University of Missouri - MS&T: Scholars' Mine
    Scholars' Mine is an online collection of scholarly and creative works produced by the faculty, staff, and students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology.