Altmetrics are metrics for social media mentions and uses of scholarly output. This data can be useful for monitoring your personal impact with other scholars, practitioners, policy makers and the public.
For a good overview read the following article:
Rise of 'Altmetrics' Revives Questions About How to Measure Impact of Research Chronicle of Higher Education (June 3, 2013)
Altmetrics and Citation Rates
Researchers have found a link between scientists' public engagement and citation rates. See Building Buzz (Scientists) Communicating Science in New Media Environments published in Journalism & Mass Communications Quarterly (2014) for details.
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It only appears in the sidebar when there is data available for the article that you're currently viewing.
To look up metrics compiled by Plum Analytics for a specific article:
Paste the article DOI at the end of this prefix:
Tool for viewing altmetric data from selected publisher websites such as Nature, Springer, Elsevier and Cambridge.
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Usage data and Altmetric badges are available in IEEE Xplore.