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Digital Literacy: Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT

Can I Use AI?

Some professors and academic publications don't condone any use of generative AI technologies, and some encourage the use of it. Talk to your professor, editor, or publisher to learn more!

Acknowledging Use of AI-Generated Content

When Do I Need to Acknowledge Use of an AI Tool?

Any assignments or publications that allow the use of AI tools should include an acknowledgment of your AI use.

Don't assume that you are allowed to use AI tools on an assessment or for a publication. Check with your instructor or editor if you are unsure. Policies will vary from instructor to instructor and from publication to publication.

How Do I Acknowledge My Use of AI?

Include an acknowledgment at the beginning or in an appendix to your publication or assignment, or in a location designated by your instructor/editor.

Acknowledgement of how you used AI tools should include the following:

  • The name of the tool used and a link to the website for the tool
  • A description of the type of task you used the tool to accomplish (e.g. generate text, generate images, edit text, generate code, etc.)
  • A list of the specific prompt(s) used
  • An explanation of how you used the output in your final work

Recommended Format

I acknowledge the use of [insert AI system(s) and link] to [specific use of generative artificial intelligence]. The prompts used include [list of prompts]. The output from these prompts was used to [explain use].


I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT 3.5, July 20 version ( to generate a case study about the challenges of sustainability and labor ethics in the chocolate industry. I entered the following prompt on August 1, 2023:

  • "Create a case study over the operations of a chocolate company detailing the challenges of managing chocolate supply chains in both a sustainable and ethical manner. Identify key challenges. Propose potential solutions, but do not commit to any single approach. Conclude by with questions for students to consider about how they would proceed." 

The output from these prompts was used as the case study for the assignment which was then analyzed in the remaining portion of the assignment.

I acknowledge the use of Bing Image Creator powered by DALL-E ( to generate an image of an alien landscape. I entered the following prompt on August 2, 2023:

  • "Alien landscape with multiple suns on the horizon. Digital art."

The output from these prompts was used as a decorative image on my PowerPoint presentation.

I acknowledge the use of Claude ( to improve the organization and academic tone of my essay. I uploaded the text of my essay draft through Claude's attach a file feature and I entered the following prompts on August 3, 2023:

  • Original prompt: "For the attached document, suggest potential revisions to improve the organization of information and academic voice."
  • Follow-up prompt: "Please provide specific examples of corrections or improvements."

The output from these prompts was used to edit my draft essay. Some specific suggestions for rephrasing were adopted, but the output primarily was used to identify areas that could be strengthened from which I made original edits.

No AI tools/technologies were used in the completion of this assignment.

AI Tool Acknowledgment Form

I, Helena Marvin, acknowledge the use of ChatGPT on July 29, 2024 for generating this form.

  • The prompts used included: I want to build a form with javascript and HTML that helps people acknowledge the use of AI tools, and further conversation.

The output from these prompts was used to create the AI Tool Acknowledgment Form. Documentation link:

This output is released under a CC0 license. AI-generated works cannot be copyrighted according to the U.S. Copyright Office.

License & Credit

Creative Commons License
The ROBOT test by Hervieux, S. & Wheatley, A. (2020) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


About CC Licenses - Creative Commons

When permitted to use GenAI Ask, by Helena Marvin (adapted from Aleksandr Tiulkanov) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


About CC Licenses - Creative Commons
AI Disclosure is by Helena Marvin (adapted from Wesley Cornett at Newman University) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Disclosures were modeled on AI policies from Monash University (Australia) by Wesley Cornett at Newman University.

Monash University. (n.d.). Policy and practice guidance around acceptable and responsible use of AI technologies. Retrieved August 1, 2023.