We have so much talent in the region. Our goal is to bring together that talent so we can share, learn, collaborate, and re-energize.
A group of instruction librarians from four local institutions had a dream of sharing insights about library instruction across institutions. We wanted to bring together instruction librarians from the Saint Louis region both formally and informally. What at first started as a lunch and learn among these four librarians and their colleagues, is now an annual conference known as the Gateway Library Instruction Conference (GLIC).
• GLIC 2015 | • GLIC 2016 | • GLIC 2018 |
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Amanda B. Albert is the Information Literacy Coordinator at Washington University in St. Louis. Amanda graduated with an MSLIS from the iSchool at Syracuse University in 2014. Previously, she served as the Instructional Services Librarian at Saint Louis University. Amanda has presented about information literacy instruction, instructional design, assessment, and communicating library value and other topics at ACRL, the Distance Library Services Conference (DLS), the Library Assessment Conference (LAC), LOEX, NISO Virtual Conference, and the Southeast Library Assessment Conference (SELAC). Amanda is published in The Journal of Academic Librarianship and the Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. |
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Martha Allen is the Chair of Research and Instruction Services at Saint Louis University. Her research interests include active learning and engaging pedagogy and library collaboration. She has presented at a variety of international, national, and regional conferences including Shanghai International Library Forum, ACRL, ALA, Brick and Click, PLA, MLA, MOBIUS, and Focus on Teaching and Technology. Martha is published in Library Management and Brick and Click Conference Proceedings. |
Richard “Ted” Chaffin is the Head of Academic Support & Collaboration (AS&C) at Washington University Libraries. AS&C formed in February of 2018, and it seeks out and supports collaborations between the University Libraries and other campus and non-campus organizations. Ted received his MLIS from Louisiana State University in 2002. Before coming to St. Louis in 2013, Ted was a part-time librarian at Baton Rouge Community College, a Reference & Instruction Librarian for two years at Southern University, and served for eight years at the Florida State University Libraries in several librarian roles. Outside of work, Ted spends time with his family (wife, five year old daughter, and three year old son), and also practices the martial art Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. |
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Holly Hubenschmidt is Head of Instruction, Liaison, & Research Services at Webster University Library in St. Louis with responsibility for collection development, instruction, and faculty research support. She serves as Liaison to the Nursing and Nurse Anesthesia departments. Holly holds a BA in Russian Language and Literature from Washington University in St. Louis and an MLS from the University of Missouri – Columbia. Her second role is Co-director of the Global Leadership Academy. This is a leadership development program for faculty and staff at Webster University. She was an Academy Fellow in 2013, and at the end of that year was asked to join the team of directors. |
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Elizabeth Kamper is the Instruction Librarian and Assistant Professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She has been teaching information literacy instruction in libraries for the past six years at three different institutions. Elizabeth specializes in teaching first-year research skills to students in the First Year Writing Program. She also creates library-based learning objects and sessions that focus on building students’ knowledge of the threshold concepts in the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education. Elizabeth has presented at a variety of conferences on information literacy instruction, instructional design, Open Educational Resources (OER), and building library instruction programs. |
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Chris Niemeyer has been a Reference Librarian and the Head of Instructional Services at the Thomas Jefferson Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis since 1999. He holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio and an MLIS from the University of Texas at Austin. He In addition to providing in-class instruction he also creates interactive, Web-based library tutorials and teaches an online, 10-week information literacy class. |