AND joins two terms
Example: education AND inclusion
OR searches for either term
Example: inclusion OR diversity
NOT excludes a term
Example: education NOT "higher education"
* an asterisk searches for versions of a word
Example: educat* brings back results for education, educate, educates, etc.
" " forces a phrase so the words are searched for together rather than singularly
Example: "higher education" will search for the phrase
( ) allows you to search using different operations, like in a math problem
Example: education AND (diversity OR inclusion)
When searching in the library catalog, use short words and phrases. Do not type in long sentences. Use quotes to search for an exact phrase and use Boolean Operators such as AND, OR, and () to help the system search for your string more efficiently.
Keywords to use when search the catalog for books:
Example searches:
"action research" AND education
education AND research
education AND research AND methodology
education AND (research OR study)