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Curriculum Research

This guide is here to help you navigate the resources available in the area of educational curriculum design, development, evaluation, and more.

K-12 Text Book Collection

The K-12 textbook collection consists of samples of classroom texts primarily for use by students in the UMSL College of Education. There are many full sets of student and teacher editions that often can be found by browsing the collection. Student and teacher editions are not always available for all sets.

The Educator's Reference Desk - Lesson Plans

The National Council for Open Education is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Washington, DC. Their motto is "Changing Lives Through the Support of Educators."

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

ASCD is dedicated to excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. 

UMSL Institutional Repository Faculty Works, Graduate Works and Dissertations

The Institutional Repository Library (IRL) brings together UMSL research and historical documents under one umbrella, with an aim to preserve and provide access to these materials. IRL is a service of the University of Missouri, St. Louis libraries.

STEM Educational Resources - NASA

Searchable database for lesson plans and other educational materials related to STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics). Search parameters include "Subject" (e.g. Earth Science, Life Science, Mathematics), "Type" (e.g., Educator Guide, Lesson Plan, Multimedia), and Grade Level.